Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Public holidays: Closed
WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 23/12/24 TO 5/1/25.
We are now taking new patients.
We are transitioning to mixed billing on 1 April 2024.
Pensioners and children under 16 years of age will be bulk billed. Everyone else will be privately billed.
A private standard level B appointment is $65 (Medicare rebate $41.2)
Attendance is by appointment only. If you need to be seen urgently on the day please inform the receptionist. Fit ins are available for urgent medical problems.
Please call us on 95543713 to make an appointment. Currently we do not offer an online booking system.
Recall system: Your medical record is a confidential document and will also be accessed by authorised members of staff. Patients have the right to access their personal information under the Privacy Amendment (Fees may be applicable). Please let us know if you do NOT wish to participate in our recall system
Communication policy: Communication to our practice is via telephone mainly. Appointments are booked in person or via telephone only. If you call and our reception staff are unable to return your call, they will call back at their earliest convenience if a caller ID is left. If it is a medical emergency, please do not wait for a call back, but to call 000. Fax and email are purely for administrative use.
Feedback: We are always striving to improve our service. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or our receptionist. Alternatively you may contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on 92197444
Interpreter Services: We encourage using the free Translating and Interpreting Service hotline (1300131450). A free service is also available for patients who are deaf and use AUSLAN. Contact National AUSLAN interpreter booking system on 1800246945
After hours: Please call 18 SICK.